Tell us a story about Rochdale, talk to us about what Rochdale means to you, your favourite places, your favourite food, your favourite things to do. We need your voice to shape the script of a brand-new play coming to The FestiDale.

The Royal Exchange Theatre would like permission to use your written or audio story and/or any accompanying creative content (audio recordings/ photos/videos etc) in our material, including the production of Tales of the Dale, wider activity at the FestiDale (8-18th Aug 2024), future creative work including podcasts, exhibitions and archiving, and for evaluation, publicity and funding application purposes. Your material may be used verbatim or to inspire other creative content.

Where you provide your consent, we will also share your information with our partners on the project – Your Trust Rochdale, Culture Co-op, the Rochdale Development Agency, and Rochdale Council. Audio may be publicly broadcast both at The FestiDale and into the future, for example in radio and podcast formats.

Participation is a voluntary contribution, thank you for taking the time to share your story.

If you need to get in contact with us or require alternative formats of this form please contact Esme : or +447494315213