Join us for a funny and inspiring West African tale that mixes puppetry, spoken word & traditional live West African Music.

“One day Darkness covers the face of the Land. Lion appeals for someone to bring back the Light and save the World. Who will succeed? The Powerful Eagle? The Clever Monkey? Or Anansi the Spider and his mates?”

The Anansi stories are humorous, lively, empowering and “community” led stories that travelled with enslaved African people to the Caribbean and beyond, including here in the UK through the cultural contributions of African and Caribbean communities living across the UK.

Swallow’s Wings Puppetry are London-based Black Creatives empowering children with a reverence for and love of African-Caribbean culture and history. We work with children, neurodiverse & hearing impaired communities as well as elders in their homes & community settings. We enchant, entertain, educate and build cross-generational dialogue.

Anansi and the Lost Sun is part of our Family Fun Day for under 10s on Sunday 11 August. The day is jam-packed filled with workshops, crafts, face painting and fun for all the family! Come along and stay for the whole day!

The FestiDale is part of Local Exchange, the Royal Exchange Theatre’s ambitious long-term programme co-curated with ambassadors and champions in communities across Greater Manchester. This is what has been said about past festivals…

“Amazing experience showcasing the community. Loved it.”

“We need these stories told in the communities that need to talk about them”

“It brought people in who may never seen theatre. Told stories never heard.”