Using simple drama activities, create your own stories and act them out together.

Imagination takes centre stage in this vibrant workshop, supporting communication skills and language development in younger participants and encouraging them to play with their accompanying adults. This workshop uses a joyful, playful approach where children’s imaginations, creativity and expression are nurtured in a safe and fun environment.

We’ll play some games together.
We’ll act out a story all together.
We’ll make a new story and bring it seamlessly to life.

M6 Theatre Company is acknowledged as one of Britain’s leading theatre companies specialising in creating and delivering dynamic, quality and relevant work for, with and by children and young people.

This workshop is part of a bigger Family Fun Day at The FestiDale

The FestiDale is part of Local Exchange, the Royal Exchange Theatre’s ambitious long-term programme co-curated with ambassadors and champions in communities across Greater Manchester. This is what has been said about past festivals…

“Amazing experience showcasing the community. Loved it.”

“We need these stories told in the communities that need to talk about them”

“It brought people in who may never seen theatre. Told stories never heard.”