This inspiring workshop takes place before lunch and can be paired with the Creative Corner workshop

Learn about connecting with other people, learning new skills, taking notice of how you are feeling in the here and now, being active in a very easy way and giving something back all helps with everyday life’s stresses and eases mental health issues.

The workshop will include:

  • Learning about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing
  • Making your own 5 Ways to Wellbeing
  • Incorporating these into your day


The FestiDale is part of Local Exchange, the Royal Exchange Theatre’s ambitious long-term programme co-curated with ambassadors and champions in communities across Greater Manchester. This is what has been said about past festivals…

“Amazing experience showcasing the community. Loved it.”

“We need these stories told in the communities that need to talk about them”

“It brought people in who may never seen theatre. Told stories never heard.”