A monologue and scene writing workshop with actor and writer of Evening Conversations, Sudha Bhuchar

In this workshop, Sudha will share her practice of using verbatim testimonies and everyday conversations as seeds of inspiration for works like Evening Conversations. Through practical exercises, participants will experience how to access collective memory and spontaneous dialogue, shaping into short scenes and monologues.

There will also be space for conversation and a Q&A about Sudha’s other work, touching on how truthful, political and stirring work can start from these seemingly small beginnings – the extraordinary in the everyday.


The FestiDale is part of Local Exchange, the Royal Exchange Theatre’s ambitious long-term programme co-curated with ambassadors and champions in communities across Greater Manchester. This is what has been said about past festivals…

“Amazing experience showcasing the community. Loved it.”

“We need these stories told in the communities that need to talk about them”

“It brought people in who may never seen theatre. Told stories never heard.”